Monday, July 15, 2024

Bloom Day: July

zinnia patch

Summer has arrived in my central Ohio, zone 6b garden. In fact it's felt like summer even before the solstice. 

The weather has been hot, humid and very dry. We're in a moderate drought and the garden is definitely showing some stress, but doesn't look too bad for now. Let's look around, shall we?

The zinnias as a definite bright spot in the garden. I grew a mix of senorita, Cut and come again and a few Dawn Creek Pastels from Floret and I love them.

red, peach, pink and light blush zinnias
(clockwise from top left) Burpee Cut and Come Again, Baker Creek Senorita Zinna,
Burpee Cut and Come Again and Dawn Creek Pastels zinnia from Floret.

The coneflowers are also putting on a show (with tall purple larkspur in the background). I think these flowers love my garden more than anything else and as a result I have a ton, even after adding some more variety to the front bed.

White Swan Echinacea

The swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) I planted last year is blooming for the first time.

My porch pots finally recovered from a severe pruning by deer.

This was a great year for breadseed poppies (Papaver somniferum) and this is one of the last ones. I'll probably do a separate post on these because I loved them so much and had quite an assortment.

That's it for my garden this month, but you can visit May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming in other gardens around the globe.


  1. I'm envious of your zinnias in particular. I sowed my seeds late and they're all still dinky seedlings.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kris! I hope your zinnias start growing soon.

  2. You have such lovely flowers! I specially like your border with the mass of pink Cone flowers. It looks as if we share a deer problem--this year they've been particularly bold around here, coming right up to the house to eat my potted plants.

    1. Thanks Elena! Yes, the deer are relentless. They have eaten every single gladioli bloom I have, even after I spray them with something stinky (Liquid Fence). And I live in the middle of the city! It is frustrating. And this is the first time I remember them chomping down the porch pots.


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