First, my flower bed. This is the only dedicated flower bed I have in my backyard and everything except the rose was planted this season or last. It's still a work in progress, but it looks a lot better than the weed-filled bed it was when I moved in. There are still some things I need to move (the Coneflowers), replant (Rudbeckia)
The good:

- Cosmos - These were purchased very cheaply from a local nursery. They are by far my new favorite annuals.
- Using compost instead of synthetic fertilizers
- Deadheading
- Buying hanging baskets at Marc's, a local discount grocery chain. They were way cheaper than anyone else, they look great (although not as lush as they did in June) and they're still going.
- Coneflower - Last year I tried seeds to no avail, this year I planted seedlings that seem to be doing well, but haven't flowered. Maybe next year I'll finally see a Coneflower?
- Black-Eyed Susans - I love these never-ending bloomers, and I was so pleased when they bloomed from seed last year. Except this year, mine dried out and died. Maybe it was the extreme heat and dry weather we've been having. I definitely want to replant these, but maybe I'll try a different variety.

To improve/try next year:
- Use the trench method to plant tomatoes
- Use a better staking method for the tomatoes
- Plant the tomatoes in a new location, perhaps incorporate them into other beds
- Work on the front flower bed, try winter sowing to get more plants cheaply
- Find more room for more spring bulbs
- Plant small flowering plants in groups, they get lost on their own.
- Do something with the weed jungle on the side of the house and the other side of the garage

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