Sunday, July 24, 2011

Harvest Time

Last Wednesday's harvest

It's been a pretty good year for the vegetable garden. The zucchini and cucumber plants have lasted longer than they ever have, although they are about kaput for the season. Now the tomatoes and peppers are beginning to ripen and our favorite season of the year, the time of homemade salsa, is almost upon us.

So far this season we've harvested:
  • 14 zucchini
  • 15 cucumbers
  • 7 tomatoes
  • 19 jalapenos
  • green onions (I didn't start keeping count back then)
How's your harvest? And how long do your cucumber and zucchini vines last? Am I just vine challenged?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't kept count, but 2 - 3 dozen regular tomatoes, lots and lots of cherry tomatoes, 5 or 6 peppers, and plenty of green mustard and parsley before it went to seed. The cilantro didn't last very long, and slugs ate up all but one of my lettuces. I tried zucchini two years ago; had a big plants and small zucchini.


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