Decluttering seems to be a never-ending process for me and every time I go through my stuff I find something I can get rid of. I mean we're hardly at a bare-bones level around here. Luckily, if I'm in a right mood I find decluttering kind of fun. Yesterday I attacked some kitchen cabinets and other drawers that had gotten out of hand and were bugging me.

can't see the difference, that's extra space in there!
the rejects |
And here are some of the rejects. Yesterday the following items hit the donate pile:
- Ice cube trays
- Two snack bowls
- Two mugs I kept forever even though I never used them just because they are Bodum. How silly is that?
- Sugar pourer
- Old travel bottle
- Jar
- Tea strainer
- Two blank journals that I'm never going to use. I prefer to go digital these days.
- Facial toner - Most pointless skincare product ever!
- IKEA pot - pretty but never used.