Saturday, June 15, 2024

June Blooms

It's starting to feel like summer here in my central Ohio, zone 6b garden. The weather has been fairly mild, enough so that I've been able to comfortably turn the AC off for several days at a time, but that's about to change as we're set to have a 9-day stretch of 90+ temps starting tomorrow with no rain in sight. I'm not looking forward to it.

But for now the garden is doing great, let's take a look.

The 'Alaska' Shasta daisies are the stars of the front border right now. And they look fantastic with these salvia farinacea.

I'm thrilled I was able to overwinter this L.A. Dreaming hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lindsey Ann’) in the garage. Although I don't love this year's color as much as I did the deep blue last year.

I have four seed dahlias grown from seed last year that came back despite overwintering in the ground. I'm glad they did because they've been blooming for weeks and this bee also seems pleased.

These bellflowers are one of the earlier flowers I ever planted and they just keep going.

This is also my second year of having milkweed in my garden and my first year seeing it bloom. This common milkweed is pretty and has an interesting scent. Shown with foxglove beardtongue (penstemon digitalis).

This is my largest lavender patch. It's wild and unruly, but I love it and so do the bees.

I really love volunteer flowers, especially when they're as pretty as these snapdragons.

These dianthus are also volunteers that returned in this pot.

That's it for this month in my garden, but visit May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming elsewhere.


  1. Volunteer snapdragons are something I can't even imagine, Candi. I had good luck starting snapdragons as small plants last year but this year even the so-called rust resistant varieties failed me. My own Shasta daisies are just now getting started as temperatures have crept up along the California coast. Our marine layer kept us relatively cool when the heat dome was planted itself over California - I'm sorry that it's moving east to plague you and other in the mid-west and east.

    1. Thank goodness for these volunteer snapdragons since the seeds I planted are still tiny! Thanks for stopping by Kris and for the commiseration about the heat.

  2. Beautiful flowers! Your volunteer snapdragons are amazing! I'm trying snapdragons in my garden for the first time, after learning that deer don't eat them. My trials of deer resistant plants has shown me that many so-called deer resistant plants aren't very resistant, and deer will eat almost anything, but the snaps seem to really not be palatable to them.

    1. Excellent point I haven't really thought about Elena, the deer DO leave these alone. Even though I live in the middle of the city, we have a lot of deer pressure here that has only increased in recent years. And you're right, if they're hungry enough the deer will eat almost anything, even my coneflowers. I have found regularly spraying with liquid fence helps though.

  3. The previous comment was mine, I forgot to include my name--I didn't want to be anonymous, sorry.

  4. I like Shasta daisies. I moved my large ones, like yours, to a corner of the yard where they can be a big as they like! I have little Angel in the beds.

  5. Lots of beautiful blooms! Love the Hydrangea!


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