Don't get me wrong, I still visit upteen home and decor blogs, but I'm really interested in feeling less like a hamster on a wheel that's moving way too fast. Up until now though, I've just been looking, but min hus has been feeling more and more crowded. Most of the clutter is hidden, but it's impossible to find anything in many drawers and closets around here. But after looking at the 365 days of decluttering challenge, I thought, even I can do that one.
So here's the deal, I want to get rid of at least one thing a day for the next 365 days. I'll probably be doing this on the weekends, rather than daily, but I'm going to keep a list here. I'm not sure how often I'll post about this, it's got to be fairly boring (for all three of my readers), but we'll see.

The dearly decluttered:
- Green plastic patio table
- White shower curtain that shrunk
- White O-N dress shirt (too big)
- Black sandals
- Red, white and blue knit shirt
- Red pj pants
- Blue plaid pj pants (week 1, August 23-29)
- white t-shirt
- white t-shirt
- Old space heater (only half-works)
- Old vacuum
- Green bag
- black tote bag
- linen drawstring bag (week 2, August 30-Sept. 5)
- black purse
- Brown sweater
- Pink sweater
- Cyndi Lauer tape (it's time to let the casettes go)
- Smashing Pumpkins tape
- Toad the Wet Sprocket tape
- Girl's diary (week 3, Sept. 6-12)
- Unopened pine candle
- Blue tealight holder
- Small plastic water bottle
- Dental tape
- Martha Stewart Living - June 2009
- Martha Stewart Living - September 2009
- Green flower plate (week 4, Sept. 13-20 )
- Kitty foot massager (lame)
- Cloth napkins (4)
- Partylite candleholder
- Plastic tablecloth
- Red mug
- yellow mug
- blue mug (week 5, Sept. 21-27 )
- green mug
- glass candy dish
- pink plastic cup
- Book: Smart mobs
- Book: Knowing Knowledge
- Book: The Three Theban Plays, Sophocles
- Votive candles (week 6, Sept. 28-Oct. 4 )
- Strawberry candle
- Red bead tealight holder
- Votive candles
- IKEA mail holder
- Cinnamon candle
- Votive candle holder
- Precious moments plate (week 7, Oct. 5-11 )
- New black bra
- New white bra
- Unmentionables
- Unmentionables
- Brown and black purse (donate)
- Blue cloth napkins (donate)
- red shirt (week 8, Oct. 12-18 )
- blue flowered shirt (donate)
- orange t-shirt (donate)
- purple clock (donate)
- Organic garden magazines (10)
- headband (trash)
- round brush I never used (trash)
- lotion (trash) (week 9, Oct. 19-25)
- tan capris (donate)
- Navy blue slacks (donate)
- Merona black velvet dress (donate)
- Jessica Howard dress (donate)
- NYC tan linen slacks (donate)
- Nine west gray slacks (donate)
- Apt. 9 white capris (donate) (week 9, Oct. 25 - Nov. 1)
- White short-sleeve sweater (donate)
- White sweater (donate)
- Old navy flower shirt (donate)
- bottle of nail polish (trash)
- bottle of nail polish (trash)
- Book: Les Miserables (Half-Price Books)
- Book: Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination (Half-Price Books) (week 10, Nov. 2 - Nov. 8)
- Black ODCE bookbag (donate)
- Coaster (trash)
- Spatula (donate)
- Sunglasses (trash)
- IKEA 2009 catalog (recycle)
- Pink Eddie Bauer sweater (gave away)
- Black Eddie Bauer Sweater (gave away) (week 11, Nov. 9 - Nov. 15)
- Navy blue Eddie Bauer Sweater (gave away)