
Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Deals

I hate everything about black Friday shopping: getting up early, the lines, the crowds, the rudeness, but today I finally had fun shopping on Black Friday at CVS. I started with $11.99 in extra care bucks, spent $1.39 for $60 worth of products and left with $15 in extra care bucks. Hello shoppers' high! I did go to three stores and did four transactions in total to manage this.

If you're new to CVS shopping and want to get in on all the action, learn more from one of the masters, Money Saving Mom. CVS 101 is a good place to start.


  1. I sooooo wish I lived in the US (I am Canadian). Black Friday looks like so much fun!

  2. Jill,
    Black Friday is a crock. You basically have a bunch of mouth breathers running around like retarded kids in a candy store, knocking people over and being rude so they can save a few bucks here and there. You aren't missing out on anything because if you are a savvy shopper (like me) you can find better deals at multiple other times if you just keep an eye out.I ventured out to Home Depot because I knew it wouldn't be bad, but that was about it other than online shopping.

    Now, as for the CVS shopper who is bragging about her "deals." I got a bench grinder for 20 bucks and a miter saw for 60 at HD. I also ordered some dvds and video games online for insanely cheap prices. The only difference is, I will actually USE most of my stuff instead of letting it sit in the drawer in the hallway. My deals beat your deals, end of story.

  3. Oh yes, you talk a big game now, Mr. shopaholic boyfriend, but WHO dragged me out to Target at 5 AM last year on Black Friday? And who had been studying the Black Friday ads online for WEEKS? And remind me who refused to work early this morning on "the BIGGEST shopping day of the year?" Yeah, go sell your "I hate BF day" BS somewhere else, cause we aren't buying it, buster.

    You're just jealous cause my deals were free, FREE!

    Now go build me something with your new tools. ;)

  4. Did we wait in line at Target last year? Did we wait in line anywhere last year? No, because the items I wanted were not toys or electronics, they were Family Guy dvds, sawhorses and a shop vac. And you know as well as I do that the past month of studying leaked Black Friday ads was to find a deal on a tv for my mommy and daddy, so there. I never denied that there are deals to be had on BF from time to time, but in most cases the hassle that comes from dealing with the idiots isn't worth the hassle unless you can be in and out without waiting in line. 5 minutes in and out at Home Depot, nuff said.
    As far as refusing to work early is concerned, if I didn't hate my job, I wouldn't have cared about going to home depot. The fact that I DO hate my job provided incentive for me NOT to go in and deal with the high volume of retarded people, which also allowed me to get such great deals on power tools at Home Depot. It was a win-win situation, I'm super cereal.

  5. Holy Cow! . . . I'm getting popcorn!

  6. Here is some more fuel to the fire. Toshiba 40" 1080p LCD for $645.00 shipped with 3 year extended warranty. Better deal than ANY Black Friday price. (Emeril BAM! all over your CVS deal!) I win. Merry Xmas Mom and Dad.


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